On June 18, 2009, George Will, discussing health care issues on c-spanwj, actually said that he "doesn't hear" 20% of people "clamoring" for health care change. Based on US Census Bureau [7/08] figures there were 304,059,724 in US population. So, approximately 60,000,000 have no health care insurance. The total cost of ER care for uninsured patients per year, which would no longer exist under health care for all, would yield a very substantial saving toward any health care plan.
What troubles me: How many 'pundits' and , unfortunately, members of Congress have any feeling at all for people who can barely pay for food and shelter, let alone health care? How many "pundits' or members of Congress, have had to go to an ER in desperation for needed care because they couldn't afford to pay for a doctor's visit?
These uninsured people are not 'clamoring' because they have no voice. They have no well-paid lobbyists pushing for their interests. Some would not probably know how to 'clamor'.
Leslie Graham now says the cost of a government option is prohibitive. Some people strongly support the inclusion of such an option. It would have to be efficiently and intelligently managed.This would allow more choice, an important component of any fair health care system. Again, let's remember the substantial saving when ERs are not used by uninsured people.
Our country's people deserve decent, available, affordable health care. Yes, this means we'll have a whole new system. This means change and change is hard to face. It involves risk, stepping from the known to the unknown. Our country has always had the courage to do this when needed. And health care change is needed now.
The minds of everyone involved in this discussion must be open and understanding.
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